How to Enable Google Login ?

Full guide to enabling Google login in Shopimint

How to enable Google login in Shopimint

Step 1. Enable Google Login for your app

You can Enable Google Login by toggling the button. You can do it from Integration ➝ All ➝ Social Login ➝ Social Media Login Settings ➝ Google

Step 2. Get Google Client ID from Google Cloud Console

First, you have to visit Google Cloud Console to find your project Google Client ID. Use the URL below, and refer to Google Cloud Console.

Be sure you selected the correct project on Google Cloud Console. To change your project click the following button and select your correct project from the project list.

Next, click the menu icon on the top-left corner and click APIs and services, then click on Credentials from the sub-menu.

This will bring you to the following screen.

Next, click on iOS client for <your package name> (auto-created by Google Service) below to OAuth 2.0 Client IDs title.

After clicking on that, a new page will appear.  Copy the value of the iOS URL scheme marked in the photo below from that page.

Step 3. Add Copied URL scheme into Shopimint App Builder

Now move again to Shopimint App Builder and Navigate to, Integration ➝ All ➝ Social Login ➝ Social Media Login Settings and paste copied value into the Google Client ID text field.

Please make sure to press the Save Changes button to Save the changes .