How to customize your product page ?

01. Select Slider Style

You can change Product Page Slider Style from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Select Slider Style

02. Image Height Ratio

You can change Image Height Ratio from Pages ➝ Product Page➝  Customize Product Page ➝ Image Height Ratio

03. Show Brands

You can change Show Brands Status from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Show Brands

04. Show Share Icon

You can change Show Share Icon Status from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Show Share Icon

05. Enable AR

You can change Enable AR Status from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Enable AR

06. Enable Wishlist Icon

You can change Wishlist Icon Status from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Wishlist Icon

07. Show Installment Plan Banner

You can change Show Installment Plan Banner Status from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Show Installment Plan Banner

08. Show Upsell Items

You can change Show Upsell Items Status from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Show Upsell Items

09. Select Upsell Items

Follow these steps to show recent, most viewed or similar items on the product page.

Step 01. Enable Show Upsell Items

You should select "Enable" on Show Upsell Items.

Navigate to Pages ➝ Product Page ➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Show Upsell Items

Step 02. Select the Upsell Item you want to display

After you select Enable Activation, you can preview 03 items in the "Select Upsell Items" box. Then select the type you want to display from that box.

Navigate to Pages ➝ Product Page ➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Select Upsell Items

10. Show Stock Notify Button

You can change Show Stock Notify Button Status from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Show Stock Notify Button

11. Show Product Description In Product Page

You can change Show Product Description Status from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Show Product Description in Product Page

12. Change the Add To Cart Button Name

You can add or change Add to Cart Button Name from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Add to Cart Button Name

13. Change Out Of Stock Message

You can add or change Out of Stock Message from Pages ➝ Product Page➝ Customize Product Page ➝ Out of Stock Message

14. Product Page Navigation

Entering other details required for your product can be done in the Product Page Navigation. For example, you can add any feature you want, such as a product description, shipping information, size guide, etc. Study the following examples carefully to better understand how to do it.

(I). How to add a product description to your product page?

You can add a Product Description by clicking the "Add New Item" button in the Product Page Navigation section. To do that follow these steps.

Option Description
Display Name You can add a desired name to the Product Description in the "Display Name" text field for the app display.
Select Navigation Type Select "Product Description" for the navigation type.

You can edit the details entered using the same method as above. You can delete the inserted item by clicking the 🗑️ icon.

(II). How to add a chat page to your product page?

You can add a Chat Page by clicking the "Add New Item" button in the Product Page Navigation section. To do that follow these steps.

Option Description
Display Name You can add a desired name to the chat function in the "Display Name" text field for the app display.
Select Navigation Type Select "Chat Page" for the navigation type.

You can edit the details entered using the same method as above. You can delete the inserted item by clicking the 🗑️ icon.

(III). How to add a size guide to your product page?

You can add a Size Guide by clicking the "Add New Item" button in the Product Page Navigation section. To do that follow these steps.

Option Description
Display Name You can add a desired name to the size guide in the "Display Name" text field for the app display.
Select Navigation Type Select "Internal Web Page" for the navigation type as these types of pages act as web views.
Link Paste your "Size Guide" page link in this area.

You can edit the details entered using the same method as above. You can delete the inserted item by clicking the 🗑️ icon.

Accordingly, you can add whatever you want to Product Page Navigation by following the steps above.

Please make sure to press the Save Changes button to save the changes.