How to update basic app info & settings ?
01. App Name
You can update the App Name from About App ➝ App Name
02. App Package Name (APP ID)
You can update the App ID from App Configs & Permissions ➝ App ID
03. App Main Language
You can change the app's main language from App Configs ➝ Main Language
04. Admin Email Address
You can change the App default admin email address from App Configs ➝ Admin Email
05. Default Currency
You can change the App default currency from App Configs ➝ default currency
06. Currency Symbol
You can change the App default currency symbol from App Configs ➝ currency symbol
07. Currency Format
You can change the App default currency format from App Configs ➝ currency format
08. User Agent
You can add a User Agent from App Configs ➝ User Agent
(You can add your website domain in the User Agent section. The purpose of the User Agent is to prevent your application from accessing websites that are not yours.)
09. Super Cache
You can enable Super Cache Settings from App Configs ➝ Super Cache Settings
(By enabling super cache your homepage app data will load before the app starts and be cached on our servers including products. These caches will be automatically refreshed in 15 minutes.)
You can refresh as soon as possible after enabling Super Cache by clicking on the ⚡ icon at the top right corner of the page.
10. Backup Theme Settings
You can backup your Theme Settings from App Configs➝ Backup Your Theme Settings
Please make sure to press the Save Changes button to save the changes .